Ashlee Leppert

“The Hurricane Within” was written with hopes of helping and inspiring others who might be navigating their own challenges and written to show how faith as a Christian has been a firm foundation and great help in Ashlee’s life. Her dream is to share her story of faith through traveling and speaking to others and helping them heal, as well.

“I have overcome hardships and met challenges with grace under the guidance of God. I have come away with valuable lessons to share. Life’s challenges have taught me to be not just a survivor, but someone who thrives in this amazing, beautiful, complicated world. My life’s experiences, combined with a desire to share my secrets to success, drove me to recount my life for the world to read. In 2019, I released my memoir, The Hurricane Within, in print, e-book, and audiobook formats.”


“Heroes are defined more so by what they overcome than what they have accomplished.”
– Ashlee Leppert