Caroline Joy Schollaert

On Thursday December 16, 2021, I left United States Coast Guard Air Station HITRON Jacksonville Florida feeling a mixture of emotions. I had the honor of sharing my personal testimony with friends and strangers alike. We all have a common thread–the United States Coast Guard and “facing the inevitable storms of life”. I was honored to be a voice for SO MANY of my peers who have yet to deal (or do in secret) with traumatic events in their lives. There is no way to quantify how my story positively impacts those I share with.  My only hope is they heal and create opportunities to help others do the same. Caroline Schollaert, I never had the joy of meeting you. However, it became extremely apparent how special you were to many as I mingled with your friends, co-workers, and fiancé on the hanger deck. I will proudly wear the bracelet your fiancé Nate gifted me. Rest in Peace, we shall carry on your legacy! “YOU’RE DOING GREAT!”

Written by : ashlee

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